There are two methods in which you can buy products
You may choose to contact the seller directly through WhatsApp or direct call. If you decides to cotact the seller directly, we recommend using WhatsApp since will contain the details of the product you're interested in.
Do not be cheated: Do not send any money to the seller unless you've recieved, inspected and ensured it is the product you have ordered.
With this method, you can add as many item as you can into the cart, the system is fully controlled by Otimark Shopping Team.
After adding all the items you're interested in, carefully review your items before placing the order. When the item quantity is increased, always click update button beneath. If every thing is okay, go on to place your order or those who are not registered, we highly recommend to do so or fill in the required details ie name, address, email, number accurently them Place Order.
When your order is recieved by Otimark Shopping Team, we'll call you to confirm and make payments
Without delay, we start processing your order, you'll recieve your products within 48hrs at the address you have provided to us. Only emergency products are processed within 12 working hours
Click the product you want to add
If you want to buy it later add to wishlist